Welcome to Niamh’s Blog
Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and they play a crucial part in repairing our muscles, helping us recover, and improving our overall health.
One of the biggest drivers of my career is my desire to change the access women have to knowledge and resources when it comes to training. To provide the knowledge and support that women maybe didn’t have when they were growing up.
After my ice baths, I feel bulletproof and my body feels upgraded. I know it takes a bit of time, but it’s worth it for the amazing benefits. And I don’t just limit it to cold baths on Sunday, I try to incorporate cold thermogenesis into my routine by taking cold showers every day.
Tabata is one of my favorite tools to use in the gym! Find out why and what the difference is between interval training, HIIT, and Tabata in our blog post!
I’ve never been SO happy to be SO exhausted!
I’ve said it before, but I have to say it again, we wouldn’t be here without you, our amazing clients! So a million thank yous for all the support you’ve given both me and Shauna over the last three months.
I may be biased on this topic, but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong! In fact, there is an abundance of data, testing, and homespun tales about why weight training is so important for all of us.
And I do mean ALL!
Weightlifting isn’t only for athletes, “bros”, or zealots. Weightlifting is a life skill that should be used by everyone to meet their goals for optimum HEALTH and LIFE QUALITY.
Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) is a table-based assisted stretching therapy. The FST therapist, Niamh Fitzgerald, manipulates the joints and the fascia around the muscles in a pain free way to optimize performance, increase flexibility, and aid in recovery.
And in today’s post I’ll talk about:
WHERE there’s room for improvement in your sleep hygiene,
WHO needs a sleep routine, and
HOW the body works throughout the day to guarantee success.
With life taking steps back towards normalcy, now is the time to take the time to focus on improving your sleep quality. Chances are, a lot of this WON’T be new information for you, but it’s important information - so listen up!
Great news! We plan to re-opening our doors soon! Read more for details about how we plan to launch a limited re-opening of the studio and how we will abide by social distancing guidelines and requirements.
If you leave a review at the end, you could win one of the five 30-minute free in-studio personal training sessions that we’re giving away as a Phase 2 Freebie!
It’s hard to believe the June bank holiday weekend has already arrived! But with some great weather behind us and some more to look forward to this weekend, I hope you’re all getting outside to get grounded and soak up some Vitamin D!
I’ve even found myself getting out of the gym and into the sun for a few of my own sessions.
Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening! For the next couple of blog posts, I’m taking an in depth look into the full sleep cycle; starting with our morning and following on into the afternoon and, not most importantly, the evening. We’ll take a look at the impact of sleep on our day to day lives; both now and in the long term.
Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend and is excited to launch into Phase 1 of the Irish government’s road map to reopening society and business.
We’re excited to announce that for each reopening phase, Lift will have a special offer to celebrate being a little bit closer to reopening the studio. As we announced on Friday, for Phase 1, we’re giving away free 20-minute consultations…
Happy Friday everybody and welcome to Lift’s first blog post of 2020! It’s been amazing, and more importantly, kept me sane, to see and chat with the many of you continuing your training with daily Zoom classes! Like many businesses, we’ve had to adapt our service, but it’s due to our clients, who have been adapting alongside of us, that we’ve had any measure of success. If you haven’t tried one of our Zoom classes yet, please check out our schedule and join in…