Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend and is excited to launch into Phase 1 of the Irish government’s road map to reopening society and business.
We’re excited to announce that for each reopening phase, Lift will have a special offer to celebrate being a little bit closer to reopening the studio. As we announced on Friday, for Phase 1, we’re giving away free 20-minute consultations. Fill out the form here to schedule your free meeting with Niamh.
Offer lasts until 7th June 2020.
Let us help you define what staying at home means at your house. Don’t put your health and fitness goals on hold till August. Dust them off and polish them up with a package of Lift Zoom Consultations (see prices below).
One of the most powerful tools we use to achieve our goals is accountability.
Take advantage of Lift’s accountability consultation packages to reach your goals. Each plan will be different depending on your needs and objectives, but the one thing that will remain the same, is the quality of service and the drive for success that you can only find from a personal trainer at Lift Training Studios.
Every fitness program or nutritional plan will be adapted for each client. Adaptations will be made based on available, or lack of, equipment and on lifestyle factors that impact your daily schedule.
Like we mentioned in our post on Friday, we understand that finances are uncertain during this time. So, if you’re recently out of a job or you’re living from paycheck to paycheck, don’t be afraid to get in touch with Niamh to develop a plan that suits your budget.