I may be biased on this topic, but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong!
In fact, there is an abundance of data, testing, and homespun tales about why weight training is so important for all of us.
And I do mean ALL!
Weightlifting isn’t only for athletes, “bros”, or zealots. Weightlifting is a life skill that should be used by everyone to meet their goals for optimum HEALTH and LIFE QUALITY.
During the shutdown, I imagine there were three different types of clients.
Client A
Devastated to lose the use of the gym - lost, without purpose, roaming their homes, looking for heavy things to pick up. Client A takes after my own heart, kept up the Zoom classes, but can’t wait to be lifting the heavy stuff. I already hear them knocking down the door to get back into the gym.
Client B
Not too bothered either way, happy to have an excuse not to go to the gym. Client B misses it but is happy to do a bit of jogging or yoga to scratch the itch. Excited to have something to do when things start to open up again, I know we’ll see you in the gym and you’ll remember why you love it.
Client C
Wouldn’t have noticed the gyms were closed if Client A wasn’t posting about it on Instagram. This client lives in a world I’ve never been to - but apparently, does exist! Client C is glad that small businesses, like Lift, are getting back on their feet, but doesn’t know (yet!) what they’re missing out on.
For you, Client A, the long wait is over - our doors are open and we’re delighted to have you back!
For the Client Bs and Cs, this article is made for you! You may find yourself struggling to self-motivate or wondering why bother at all - is weight lifting even that important? Well you’ve come to the right place, because yes, yes it is SO important! And here’s why…
5 Reasons Strength Training Is Successful
Decreases Body Fat
Lowers Blood Pressure
Reduces Risk of Injury
Reduces chronic symptoms of arthritis And back pain
Gives you routine, structure, and presents you with new challenges
4 Reasons Your Lifting Lifts You
Increases your balance and stability
Boosts metabolism and fat loss
Increases your flexibility
Boosts your immune system
3 Reasons Lifting Heavy is Healthy
Increases your bone strength and density
Increases your production of the hormone IGF-1 which stimulates the brain and enhances ability to learn and think
Stops the loss of muscle mass as we age
2 Reasons to Lift More for Mind Health
Increases your Self esteem and confidence
Helps Reduce symptoms of depression
1 Reason to be lifting at Lift
The craic, the atmosphere, the banter, the hair - how can you pick only one?! Where else can you find the same level of care, professional knowledge, and motivation?
We pride ourselves on our fundamentals and we value the health and well-being of our customers before anything else - except maybe my own training schedule!
Weightlifting means different things to different people. For some people it’s a tool for their sport, for others it’s a hobby, and then there are some who only do it because it’s good for their health. Regardless of which category you fit into, or whether you identify as a client A, B, C, or Z, we have a place for you at Lift Training Studios!